Paddler Guide

Maka Koa is a group of passionate paddlers based at Toronto Sailing & Canoe Club. We are excited to welcome new members and help build the outrigger community in Toronto. Our club has three OC6 boats and one OC2. We offer daily practices and a fun and friendly environment.



As a paddler on the Maka Koa team, you must sign the waiver ( As well, you also need to be:


– A paddling member of TSCC (


– A member of CORA (


– A member of OMCKRA


Due to insurance requirements, you will not be allowed to join any practices until you have been fully registered with Maka Koa, CORA, OMCKRA and TSCC and signed the Maka Koa waiver.



Before jumping into an OC6, a few things every member should be aware of:


– Approved PFDs are MANDATORY for every paddler. No PFD, no paddling, no excuses! The club does have a couple of spare PFDs in the club locker for emergency purposes only.


– Everyone needs to be familiar with the process for handling a potential Huli. A helpful video to reference about what to do in case of a Huli:


– Every boat should have at least 1 bailer (ideally 2 or 3 of them) that are attached to the boat.


– Each paddler must be comfortable with the water conditions. We benefit from having many options for paddling. If the lake is rough, the crew can stay behind break wall and can paddle up the Humber river. When conditions are unfavorable and one or more members are not comfortable going on the lake, stay behind the break wall!!



Maka Koa relies on to set up, invite and manage attendance to practices. Teamer does also offer a mobile app you can reference although we find the website easier to user and more stable.


Some important things to know about Teamer:


– Practice days and times: Team will have the latest schedule for practice times being offered. Maka Koa offers practices weekday mornings and evenings as well as on the weekend.


– Profile: To check which practices you’re included on, you can visit your Profile from the top right of the page and under your name you’ll see the practices you are a part of (below the member is on Thursday and Tuesday PM practices). If you want to add/remove practices, please speak to the coordinator for that practice (found later in this document) who can help facilitate the change.


– Invitations: Coordinators will send the invites at least 1 day prior.


– Accept/Decline: When you receive an invite, please Accept or Decline the invite as soon as possible so that Coordinators can plan accordingly.


– Being away: If you know you’ll be away for an extended time, we encourage you to flag that time within Teamer to make coordinators aware, and so invites won’t be sent to you for that time. Click Events, then Calendar, then the dates you’ll be away. A pop-up window will appear allowing you to signify that you’ll be away.



Outrigger is a water sport….you WILL get wet, so dress accordingly. You may want to bring a towel and a change of clothes for after the practice.


Maka Koa has a club locker used for storing boat equipment (i.e. bailers, steering blades as well as a couple of spare paddles and PFDs). The codes you need to know are:


– Code to open to the door to the storage locker facility: 415


– Club locker is located in the first row


– Lock combination for the locker: 1356 (plus bottom latch)


Drop Ins

If you’d like to join a different practice that you haven’t been invited to, please contact the Coordinator for that practice to confirm there is availability. The Coordinator can then add you to that practice.


Guest Policy

When space allows, we are happy to allow guests to join a practice. A guest must first sign the waiver (, Guests are allowed to attend 1 practice without charge. For additional sessions, please contact the practice coordinator for additional details.



As a member of Maka Koa, we expect everyone to respect and take care of the club equipment. In the event there are deficiencies identified (for example loose rigging, scratches, missing equipment, etc) with any of the club equipment, please bring it to the attention of the practice coordinator of Jeffrey Warren (905-599-4607 or



Maka Koa will help arrange and organize crews (and boats) for TIOC and Wai Nui.


We recognize there are LOTS of other OC6 races and we encourage members to participate in them. Crews for other, out of town races can be organized by any member on the team. Members interested in organizing a crew for another race should keep a few things in mind:


– Arrange for a boat. Contact the race organizers to confirm a boat is available and work with them to arrange for any rental details.


– Organize your crew. Connect with the members who will make up your crew for the race. You can ask anyone/everyone on the team or select who you’d like to invite.


– Ensure you have a steersperson and arrange for a steering blade.



Maka Koa promotes the values and spirit of outrigger canoeing while striving to be a competitive and social club. Paddlers are expected to be on their best behavior and to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. Safety of our members is paramount on and off the water. Disrespect and violence, in any form, will not be tolerated. Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in suspension and termination of membership.


– Respect the rights and worth of every person regardless of their age, race, gender, cultural background, sexuality, religion, or physical capabilities


– Do not tolerate abusive, bullying, or threatening behaviour


– Exercise self-control and show proper respect for peers, competitors, and spectators


– Act with integrity and accept responsibility for your decisions and actions


– Place the safety and welfare of paddlers above all else and ensure actions contribute to a safe environment


– Respect the decisions of coaches, administrators, and officials


– Support fellow paddlers, steerspersons, coaches, and administrators


– Contribute to a harassment-free environment


– Show proper care for boats and equipment


– Foster an environment of respect and open communication and contribute to a harassment-free experience


– Voice any concerns to the Maka Koa leadership team


– Demonstrate good sportsmanship at all practices and races


– Promote fair play over winning at all costs


– Act within the rules and spirit of outrigger canoeing


Great video from Luke Evslin in Kaua’i:

How to recover from a huli:

Canadian Outrigger Racing Association (CORA):

East Coast Outrigger Canoe Association (ECORA):

